Why Many Men Don't Get Annual Physicals and 5 Reasons They Should

Sure, you get the usual aches and pains, and maybe you’re dealing with some discomfort due to an ongoing digestive issue or something similar. Still, you’re doing fine, all things considered, and there’s no reason to get screened or keep up with your annual physicals.
This thinking is shared by millions of men in the United States — one-third of American men feel that they don’t need annual health screenings.
Nurse Practitioner Miranda Kerley of K & M Care, located in Summerton, South Carolina sides with the other two-thirds of men — those who see good value in staying one step ahead of their health through annual wellness exams.
In the following, she discusses why men don’t take enough advantage of preventive care and some compelling reasons why they should.
Men think they’re healthy
The health survey found that many men forgo annual health screenings and that 65% of respondents said they felt healthier than other men. Not only did the report shed some light on just how many men aren’t keeping up with their preventive care, but it also found that 40% of men prioritize their pet’s health over their own.
Researchers suspect many cultural influences at play in which men feel the need to provide and remain invincible — they simply don’t feel they can afford to be sick.
Unfortunately, men in the United States aren’t any healthier than the general population, and they have unique health concerns that can benefit from ongoing oversight.
Reasons men shouldn’t skip their annual exams
To back up the point that men can benefit from annual health exams just as much as kids, women, and even their pets, here are some health issues you can prevent or better manage through regular care.
1. Cardiovascular Disease
Heart and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are the leading causes of death in the United States — among both men and women. In fact, CVD claims a life every 34 seconds in the US.
Too often, CVD can sneak up on you as the leading risk factors, including hypertension and high cholesterol, don’t typically have any symptoms, and the first sign of a problem can be a serious one, such as heart attack or stroke.
Your annual physical is a key way to stay on top of CVD issues that pose a threat.
2. Prostate cancer
Outside of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men — it’s diagnosed in one out of every eight men in the US.
Like most cancers, early detection is paramount as it gives us plenty of time to act.
3. Skin cancer
Far and away, the most common cancer among both men and women is skin cancer, which affects one in five Americans. We bring this up under a men’s healthcare concern because men don’t use sunscreen nearly as much as women.
During your annual wellness exam, we can examine your skin to look for easy-to-treat signs of skin cancer.
4. Erectile dysfunction
Did you know that the lifetime prevalence of erectile dysfunction is about 52% among American men? If you’re having any issues with your sexual health, we can get to the bottom of the problem so that you can get your sex life back on track.
5. Liver disease
Men drink more alcohol than women, which might explain why they’re more prone to liver diseases like cirrhosis — men outpace women by two to one when it comes to this serious condition.
During your annual wellness exam, Miranda Kerley, NP, can discuss your drinking and monitor for any early signs of liver issues.
These conditions are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your health, but they give you an idea of all that we can cover through ongoing preventive care.
To stay one step ahead of your health, book an annual physical at K & M Care today. Call at 803-373-5399, or click here to get started.
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